AMWI 16th Board Of Trustee AMWI Conference 24th Nov. 2024

Report of CME on "The Medical Journey of Womanhood"

A CME on "The Medical Journey of Womanhood" was organized by AMWI and Jaslok Hospital on the occasion of International Women's Day on 8th March 2014 from 2:00 – 5:30 pm at Jaslok Hospital and Research Centre, 3rd Floor, Auditorium. Convener was Dr. Sudeshna Ray.

The theme of the CME programme was "The Medical Journey of Womanhood". This was addressed by eminent speakers with very informative presentations which were greatly appreciated by all.

A total of 46 persons attended the CME. There were few male residents, few nurses and one male speaker and the rest were members from AMWI Mumbai Branch. The topics were of common, relevant and generalized health issues.

Dr. Bakhtawar Vajifdar was the Master of Ceremony. She introduced Dr. Suvarna Khadilkar, President, AMWI Mumbai Branch, Dr. Tarang Gianchandani CEO of Jaslok Hospital and Dr. Kamal Hazari, Hon. Secretary, AMWI Mumbai Branch to the audience. She gave a brief presentation about how International Women's Day came to be observed and celebrated. She mentioned the prominent women both Global and Indian who became pioneers and leaders with their determination, vision and struggle against several odds.

Dr. Tarang Gianchandani gave a short talk highlighting the role of women as responsible homemakers, balancing career with multiple responsibilities. She is herself a good example of such multitasking abilities. She was presented a floral tribute and a memento from AMWI Mumbai Branch as appreciation for her kind cooperation and facilitating this important CME on International Women's Day.

The first session was chaired by Dr. Reena Wani, Dr. Jyoti Taskar and Dr. Kamal Hazari. The first speaker was Dr. Suvarna Khadilkar who presented "A walk in history". She talked of the pioneering role of women who took up the health care, mainly Obstetrics and Gynaecology in India, starting with Dr. Anandibai Joshi, the first Indian woman Doctor the starting of Cama and Albless Hospital with generous donations by these two families and the role of such medical institutes in training young women as doctors.

The next speaker Dr. Gunu Mansukhani spoke on "Obstetrics through the ages". This was a very informative talk about the practice of Obstetrics through the ages from BC years to AD and how the techniques developed and evolution of instruments to assist in laboured forceps and caesarean sections. She expressed her appreciation for the pioneers and enjoyed reading up the history some of which was new to her and much more to all of us.

Dr. Asha Advani who has vast experience of the abortion issues, rules, regulations through her work in the BMC/ MCGM. She shared all the relevant information with the group. She clarified several questions and agreed to respond to any further details/ queries on her phone. She informed that details of current rules and regulations with respect to the MTP Act and PCPNDT Act are on the Family Welfare website of the Corporation for ready reference.

The second session was chaired by Dr. Shilpa Agarwal and Dr. Pervin Meherji. Dr. Firuza Parikh had a presentation "Genital Tuberculosis in women present and future" with detailed history of the patients and their USG findings. This condition is still encountered often among patients presenting for infertility or menstrual disorders.

Dr. Pranay Shah spoke about "Pelvic Laparoscopy – evolution describing how this technique was developed, its usefulness and current routine use in clinical practice".

Due to shortage of time, Dr. Sudeshna Ray did not give her talk.

Ms. Shammi Gupta Kothari a well known Yoga expert trainer gave a live demonstration of yoga exercises especially for women. She has trained very prominent personalities, clients whose fitness is well-known in social groups. She also demonstrated specific exercises for common conditions which occur mainly due to our lifestyle. She emphasized that exercise should be done under supervision of competent trainers for proper benefits.

The programme concluded with a vote of thanks to the convener, President, AMWI Mumbai Branch, Jaslok Hospital authorities, speakers, chairpersons and audience.

Dr. Kamal Hazari
Hon. Secretary
AMWI Mumbai Branch