AMWI 16th Board Of Trustee AMWI Conference 24th Nov. 2024

Cytology Clinic

Bombay branch was started in 1968 at Cama & Albless Hospital. After celebrating the Diamond Jubilee the funds raised were utilized for this purpose. The project was spear headed by Dr. S. Aptekar, Dr. W. Fernandes, Dr. Kashibai Sathe & Dr. Usha Saraiya who had recently joined the staff & was trained as a Cytologist.

The idea was to give a free Cancer Detection test to all the women attending the OPD & also to educate the women and create awareness about cancer.

The clinic received financial & logistic support from many organizations particularly Cancer Patients Aid Association and Indian Council of Medical Research.

Gradually, the activities of the clinic increased & it became an Internationally known centre. Dysplasia Clinic was started, Colposcopy was included & many camps were held in & around Bombay.

The teaching & training of Cytology & Colposcopy were its main objective. Annual courses are still being held for Doctors & Technicians, Pathologists & Staff of Government District Hospitals.

The staff have given devoted services. Many Scientific articles, books, and articles in by press have been published.

With the active support of AMWI Bombay Branch, Staff of Cama & Albless Hospital & many philanthropic organizations it is hoped that the Cytology Clinic will continue to give valuable services to the community.

Report of 38th Annual Colposcopy Course 2012

38th Annual Colposcopy Course (Mrs. Mohineebeen Bhatia Course) was organized in the month of August 2012at Cytology Clinic (AMWI), Cama & Albless Hospital, Mumbai.

This year total of 29 Gynaecologists participated in the workshop of which 7 Doctors were sponsored by the pharmaceutical company AKumentis. Majority of participants were from Mumbai, 1 from Bihar, 2 from Nagpur & 1 from Kolkata. Lunch & snacks were provided on all the days.

27th August 2012 was the Grand Day & it was held at West End Hotel, Mumbai. Dr. P. K. Shah was invited as Chief Guest. He is Secretary General & President Elect of FOGSI. There was a debate session.

Dr. Shirin Mehtaji Guest Lecture was delivered by Dr. Anooradha Murthy, who is Hon. Histopathologist at Sir. H. N. Hospital & Consultant at Metropolis Laboratories.

Advani Braganza Oration was delivered by Dr. Neerja Bhatla from AIIMS, New Delhi.

Dr. Winifred Fernandes Guest Lecture by our Chief Guest Dr. P. K. Shah.

Dr. S. Aptekar Visiting Professor Award was awarded to Dr. Amita Maheshwari of Tata Memorial Centre.

Finally all the participants were awarded with the Certificates.

Each & every participants, including the invitees appreciated the course & increased their knowledge on Colposcopy.

This workshop was a great success. We sincerely thank our Dr. (Mrs.) Usha Saraiya who is our backbone, behind all of us.

We sincerely thank all the pharmaceutical companies for thrie great support & sponsored our workshop. Pharmaceutical Companies

  1. VHB
  2. Sun Pharma Spectra
  3. Merck Seranoes
  4. Bharat Serum
  5. H & H Co.
  6. Ferring
  7. Lupin
  8. GSK
  9. Acumentus
  10. Leis Garg
  11. Promise